Really?! That time already

KrisLyn is starting Junior High! Aaahhh! This is crazy, seems like not long ago it was me!! I think she is going to do great, she gets more excited as the countdown continues......

Kasadee and Tayson are excited about school too. But its not as big of deal as JUNIOR HIGH!!!

Another Recital has come and gone!!

We survived another recital!!! Kasadee and KrisLyn did AMAZING!!!!

More pictures to come :0)

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!!!!


KrisLyn got to perform in Nutcracker in December. It was a lot of work but she had so much fun!! Rehersals started in October and the show was December 9th and 10th. The dance she was in was new dance this year. The Abribian Princess!I got to help out quite a bit with a little bit of everything. I help at rehersals, picture day, the boutque (they had as a fundraiser), a dressing rom attendant and I even got to go on stage!!! On the dress rehersal night at the Egyptian Theater I got the be the dressing room attendant for the mice (they had another person for the Aribians) and they needs someone to dress up in the Mouse King costume and run them on stage. I was so nervous! Then I go to do on the first performance night and it was a sold out crowd 700+ people!!

I really wish I could upload the video, but I can't figure it out!

Camping 08/2010, Meadows Camp Ground

Our annually camping trip!! We never
last long- one day. But we have fun!
We were going to try for two days, but
we got rained out. I didn't want to risk
someone getting hurt with lighting or
something. And with Mr. Travis and
all of his luck...I didn't want him to
end up with pneumonia from running
around in the rain.

River Fun!!


This is his poor little eye!! He was sweeping
the little patio and tripped and hit his eye
on the picnic table bench!! He cried until he fell
asleep! So sad! He kept saying Kasadee pushed him,
but luckily for her she wasn't even by him :) When
we got home he told the neighbors I did it!! Ben
couldn't stop laughing!!! What a kid!!!!

We actually got a good family picture!!
And it only took two try's!!!

Travis was having fun with the camera!!!